

6 Messages

Saturday, June 17th, 2023 12:49 AM


discovery hub

First we can't talk to you on the phone anymore, what good are these posts when you don't listen to us you don"t even answer are questions or have any solutions.  What I'd like to know is what brilliant mind or minds thought of this [Edit: Inflammatory] home page discovery hub.  Perhaps they get lost in there bedrooms or when there sleeping or both.  I am [Edit: Language] and all your responses to the posts of "thank you for letting us know because it helps us make improvements" thats a bunch of [Edit: Language].

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

What happened to the old Home Page?!?!?! The new Discovery Hub [Edited]!!!



31.2K Messages

2 years ago


First we can't talk to you on the phone anymore, what good are these posts when you don't listen to us you don"t even answer are questions or have any solutions.  What I'd like to know is what brilliant mind or minds thought of this [Edit] home page discovery hub.  Perhaps they get lost in there bedrooms or when there sleeping or both.  I am [Edit] and all your responses to the posts of "thank you for letting us know because it helps us make improvements" thats a bunch of [Edit].

I edited out your profanity, according to our Guidelines and the Acceptable Use Policy, when quoting your post.

I don't know anyone that is happy with this new HUB, and the complaints that are posted do indeed get referred as feedback.  Personally I have never used the Comcast/Xfinity homepage, but I know a lot of people did and liked the content.  [I did visit the homepage, though, when helping people with problems with it.]  We can only hope that the HUB will be undergoing changes over time that will bring back content that is more helpful.

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