1 Message
Disappointment My Comcast box in front of my house has been destroyed for years
Disappointment – disappointed. My Comcast box in front of my house has been destroyed for going two (2) years. I have opened repair requests so many times without getting it fixed. One time, you guys sent a contractor out to look at it and life. My wires are all exposed. I put a tape around it, the tape is now gone. It is because the box is in an awkward position at the front of my gate. I am still looking for some help in getting a contractor out to do the work, not just look and walk away.
I hate to open another work order with you guys because, it never get done and you guys only kept on closing out the work order request. Can a manager, please help me get this done?
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
4 days ago
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4 days ago
Moved to Customer Service from Compliments.