Thursday, March 27th, 2025 5:27 PM

Disappointment My Comcast box in front of my house has been destroyed for years

Disappointment – disappointed.  My Comcast box in front of my house has been destroyed for going two (2) years.  I have opened repair requests so many times without getting it fixed.  One time, you guys sent a contractor out to look at it and life.  My wires are all exposed. I put a tape around it, the tape is now gone. It is because the box is in an awkward position at the front of my gate.  I am still looking for some help in getting a contractor out to do the work, not just look and walk away.


I hate to open another work order with you guys because, it never get done and you guys only kept on closing out the work order request.  Can a manager, please help me get this done?


Official Employee


1.9K Messages

4 days ago


user_55d64b  Hello, and thank you for reaching out via our Xfinity Community Forums. I'm so sorry you've been dealing with this damaged box for two years. That's unacceptable, especially with exposed wires. I understand your frustration with repeated, unresolved work orders. I want to help get this fixed properly. Please send me a private message with your full name and address to get started.
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31.4K Messages

4 days ago

Moved to Customer Service from Compliments.

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