Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 7:52 PM

Customer Support Agent Scammed

Another worst experience with Xfinity Support again. When I was purchasing the new iPhone through Voice Agent, the Agent promised me that I would receive BOGO free line when I purchased a new line with the new iPhone. The Agent told me that the BOGO deal would be applied automatically once I received the new phone and activated the line. However, it never happened. When I contacted another Voice Agent, he told me it would not be applied, since I do not qualify for the deal, even though the first agent promised me multiple times throughout the call that I would receive it automatically. Basically, the first Agent just lied to me just to get my business, then when I contacted the Higher-up Support Manager he told me they were not going to honor what the first agent promised me and that I can send the phone back and never use Xfinity again. Is this the way you guys treat your 6+ years customer? This is not acceptable and not the way you should treat your customers!

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

4 months ago


user_47k95x Thank you for reaching out, and sharing your experience. This is definitely not the experience you should have at all. We can help investigate this further, and put you in contact with the Xfinity Mobile Team. Please send us a direct message. 
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• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
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