

1 Message

Sunday, July 25th, 2021 10:11 PM


Can I Resell My Prepaid Internet Modem Kit

I have a prepaid internet modem kit that I purchased for setting up the pay-as-you-go internet for a few months. I'm moving to a new place that already has an internet connection, so I will no longer be needing this modem kit.

Is it possible to resell this modem/router box to someone who will need it? Obviously they will have to activate their own monthly subscription, but I'm just wondering if they'll be able to activate it on this box, or is it effectively a lemon for me?



109K Messages

4 years ago

Concern moved here for greater exposure to actual Comcast employees for an answer.

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

4 years ago

Hello, @RickPatton! We appreciate you reaching out here in our Communities platform! I hope you are having a nice day so far! It is up to you if you choose to sell the prepaid modem. We would have to refer you to our awesome colleagues in our Prepaid department by calling 1-855-75-PREPAID (1-855-757-7372). Or you can check on

https://comca.st/3y6QKPp. I hope this helps! 

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