Monday, July 29th, 2024 7:37 PM


burned coaxial cable inside Comcast box outside the house

I recently paid $400 for professional installation of cable TV and internet. We frequently lose cable tv and internet signal. After checking all the connections inside the house, I checked the Comcast gray box outside the house, and I found the coaxial cable inside the box is burned. I really do not know when and how that happen, but I know that by moving the section of the cable sometimes I get the signal reception back. Was the professional installation not so professional after all?

Accepted Solution

Official Employee


2.5K Messages

7 months ago

Hi there, user_6p8hns! Thank you for reaching out about the outside connection causing an issue with the service in your home. I would be happy to help further with this. We will need to get someone back out to your home to address that. 

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2 Messages

A technician came and fixed the burned cable. The problem has been fixed so far. Thanks

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

This is great news! Thanks for letting us know! We're always here to assist anytime. 

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