user_fe9d1t, Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. I would definitely want to confirm if I have an appointment scheduled as a customer myself. You've reached the right team of experts who are dedicated to helping with appointment concerns such as this over social media. The easiest way to confirm an appointment is by checking online at this link here
or through the XFINITY app. This is a great way to view other dates/times available and for rescheduling. The Xfinity App is the master app to view and control everything on the account, billing, and services. How does this sound?
Official Employee
2.2K Messages
4 days ago
or through the XFINITY app. This is a great way to view other dates/times available and for rescheduling. The Xfinity App is the master app to view and control everything on the account, billing, and services. How does this sound?