Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 10:36 PM

account credit

On Halloween evening 10/31/24 my Xfinity internet service was interrupted at 5:45pm ET. This is service to the address [Edit:PII]. The reason (according to the Xfinity tech who made an in-person service call & analyzed the problem) turned out to be a Consumers Energy power company worker having inadvertently cut a wire containing delivery of my Internet connection to this residence while attempting to correct a nearby situation where a couple of hanging tree branches appeared to be dragging a line down (a Consumers line? Xfinity line? I don't know that answer). The result was 4 days without Internet service, since an in-person tech service call wasn't performed until 4:30pm the following Monday, 11/4/24.  I was told that was the earliest time that I could receive service.  I am sure I'm not the only one whose job is dependent on having available and accessible Internet service (I am part of a morning radio show and my contribution comes from my home studio via an Xfinity business account Internet connection).  So there were 4 complete days in which I had NO Internet service whatsoever! And while, yes, it was another company's employee whose apparent mistake caused the problem, the fact remains that because Xfinity could not provide a repair for so long my self-employment business was harmed - as was all other activity that would normally have been helped along by a functioning Internet connection. I would respectfully request that a credit for 4 complete days of interrupted service be figured into my bill.  Many thanks for your consideration! - [Edit:PII]

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

4 months ago

user_g0qgh5 Thank you for reaching out! We would be more than happy to review your account, and help apply a service interruption credit to your account. Please send us a direct message. 
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• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
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