Friday, January 17th, 2025 6:16 AM

236% Price Increase and Incompetence.

I first contacted customer service on December 26th, 2024, to inquire about servicing a broken phone screen.  I started by stating that I did not have insurance and was fully prepared to purchase a new phone on the spot, but wanted to check to see if they had a repair service.  I was told they would be able to repair it, but would need to bring it to the store.  I asked how much it would cost, to which they could not answer, and after much holding and transferring between internet and mobile department, and another cs telling me to "google a samsung store", they said they would have a manager call me back to let me know.  Got a ticket notification to my phone that a ticket was created.  This was over 2 hours on the phone.

The next day, I got a notification the ticket was closed.  I called back, went back through everything, same responses, they assure me that they will re-open the ticket. Another 2 more hours on the phone.

Over 2 weeks, after still never hearing back, I called back, and was told that my bill had also increased because a discount from the mobile dept was removed and that the internet dept couldn't help me with mobile stuff.  I thought I was calling for mobile help.  They transfer me to mobile, who acts like they have no idea what the internet side said or know anything about any discounts that were applied to my account, because they can't help me with internet stuff.  So, asking to speak with a manager I get transferred back to internet, who tell me that mobile has to assist me... I lose it a bit, and the person decides to help me, now, instead of just pushing me off again, and tells me that they do not offer the screen replacement at the store by my house, since they can look up my account, my store, and can see this information.  Really, I thought each department couldn't see this information?

9 hours and over 2 weeks to get that answer, still no resolution on the billing questions.  They send me off to talk to a manager about that, but guess what, just back into the normal queue.  Someone asking all the way back to square one on the mobile side. Nope. Back to the internet side, and they will escalate the ticket and a manager will get back to me within 48 hours.  That was 5 days ago.

I now notice my internet bill is going up from $55 to $129 per month.  I also see new customers are getting what I am currently for $25 per month.  How can you justify rate increases on current customers at a rate of well over 200% and yet offer the service at 50% of the previous price?  Should I assume that Comcast lied and will not be following up on their tickets?

Lastly, your agent who accused me of wanting free stuff, when I was asking about the price on the service that they stated they offered, even when I pre-empted with the statement that I didn't have insurance and was prepared to purchase a new phone right then, must have been extremely over worked to make such a frivolous and ignorant statement.  Her response to why the rates were raising?  "You know how some brands are more exclusive, like, Apple?"  So, Comcast is the Gucci of internet now?  Is this where we're at in 2025 in USA?

Official Employee


2.1K Messages

2 months ago


user_rsg8al, Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to reach out. I'm really sorry for the delay in getting back to you—our team was away when your message came in. I completely understand how frustrating that can be through this experience with being advised we could repair the phone, and I appreciate your patience. Our Community Specialists are here to provide official support seven days a week between 6:00 AM and 12:00 AM Eastern Time. This is definitely not the experience we like to hear about. We will certainly do everything within our power to rectify this experience. Our team of experts is dedicated to resolving mobile and internet service concerns such as this over social media. To further assist, please send us a direct message with your first/last name and full address. You can start by clicking the "direct message" icon on the upper right page of our forum page. Once you click on that, input our  shared handle Xfinity Support to send us a direct message.


3 Messages

As of now I have been in chat for with the agents for 3.5 hours.  I will post the chat logs or screenshots here.  I was told they had a resolution, I asked a question, waited and then they sent me to someone else who acted like they had no clue of the last agent.  I have asked and quoted the logs to try to keep the next agent up to speed with the situation.

3 Messages

2 months ago

I am fairly certain I am being ignored now.  Why come to a resolution and then just pass it off and ignore me?  It seems hard to not think that they are using this business tactic against us:


Is this why the customer service is so bad?  So many people just give up and give in and you take their money instead of providing from your side?

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