7 Messages
Xfinity Mobile - Debt Collection for a serviced already cancelled
I received an email from Sequium, who claims to be a debt collector, stating I’m owing from Xfinity Mobile $55.69, as of 6/9/24. I cancelled the Xfinity mobile service on 2/9/24, and no longer have access to the mobile account. Since the cancellation, I’ve been receiving emails about the Xfinity mobile billing statement. I called in multiple times to notify of the false billing statements and the amount that I do not owe. Can the team help resolve this problem once and for all? It has been very frustrating having to call in many times and now the debt collection.
Official Employee
2.1K Messages
9 months ago
-Text Message: 1 (888) 936-4968
-Phone: 1 (888) 936-4968
-Chat: https://www.xfinity.com/xfinityassistant/?channel=xMobile
7 Messages
9 months ago
Xfinity Mobile has continuously charged me monthly until April-May 2024, even after I cancelled in February, 2024. But the most outrageous thing is that I received a debt collection for something I did not owe, this could potentially ruin my credit. I've seen many individuals have the same issue with being charged for cancelled service. If Xfinity as a company doesn't fix this, we'll be forced to take legal action.
1 Message
7 months ago
It took me over 6 months to fully cancel one phone line and internet service 12/28/23-6/10/24. I was charged over $200 and was never refunded. I made an agreement with the representative in person to continue paying on my phone until it was paid for. After everything was cancelled, I expected to continue paying on the phone. However, the next month I had a notification from the back for insufficient funds because Xfinity was trying to charge me one lump payment of $622 left on the phone. I went to the Xfinity store to work it out the next month, but the account was already in collections and was now on my credit report.
1 Message
4 months ago
Same thing happened to me. I was told by Xfinity Mobile that in order to cancel, I needed to port my number out and the service would be automatically canceled. I ported my number out in August 2023. I kept receiving bills and when I would call in to figure out what was going on, I would get passed around from representative to representative each telling me contradictory things. Was sent to collections in November 2024.