1 Message
Stop Billing Me
How do I stop you from billing me for service that was cancelled in Nov? I called customer service and they transferred me to a number where I've been on hold for an hour. I emailed the CEO. Do I really have to get an attorney and sue you? And BTW, the service never worked in the first place.
108.3K Messages
16 days ago
Concern moved here to the Billing help section for greater exposure to Comcast corporate employees (The Digital Care Team) for assistance.
Official Employee
2.8K Messages
16 days ago
I am sorry to hear you are getting billed for services that were canceled. I would be happy to take a look @user_madi85
Please send me a Direct Message with your name and service address so that I can fully dive into this for you! I will leave you instructions on how to initiate the message with us! I look forward to working with you soon!
- Click "Sign In" if necessary
- Click the "Direct Message" icon (upper right corner of this page)
- Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
- Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
- Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
- Press Enter to send your message
1 Message
16 days ago
I Understand User_Madi85 frustration I’ve been having a problem forever with Xfinity I have called ,chatted the same question why are you first off receiving credit for services I don’t have from my state assistance program? Next you sent 5 techs out to my apt I never got any services hooked up and I keep getting billed for services I never had now it’s becoming irritating and I’m confused how do I owe over 300.00 when I never had services I call the customer service line can’t get any live person because I don’t want any service and I don’t have an account so I get hung up on all the time I want know who do I get in touch with because this is too much I want this billing out my name I do have equipment but I’m disabled and don’t get around to return it can you come get it I need solution's now