Hi, @user_169466. I hope you are doing well, and I thank you for creating a new post. I see you may have a Payment Arrangement set, or you may be contemplating getting one set up. The exact time can vary depending on a few variables like your timezone or how your financial institution may process payment requests. As a result, It would be hard to give you an exact time to be upfront. It's best to schedule the payment for a day you'll know the funds will be accessible just to be safe.
However, payments must be received by 10:30 PM EST on the Payment Arrangement date in order to prevent service interruption. It's also important you set the scheduled payment for the correct amount. If you have a new bill generate during the arrangement timeframe, it would increase the amount due so please keep that in mind. Let me know if that helps or if you have additional questions.
@user_d44ecd You can access it by signing into xfinity.com from any secure, Internet-connected computer or mobile device. Once you’ve logged in, click on the Billing and Payments tab.
108.6K Messages
2 years ago
Concern moved hereto the Billing help section.
Official Employee
2K Messages
2 years ago
Hi, @user_169466. I hope you are doing well, and I thank you for creating a new post. I see you may have a Payment Arrangement set, or you may be contemplating getting one set up. The exact time can vary depending on a few variables like your timezone or how your financial institution may process payment requests. As a result, It would be hard to give you an exact time to be upfront. It's best to schedule the payment for a day you'll know the funds will be accessible just to be safe.
However, payments must be received by 10:30 PM EST on the Payment Arrangement date in order to prevent service interruption. It's also important you set the scheduled payment for the correct amount. If you have a new bill generate during the arrangement timeframe, it would increase the amount due so please keep that in mind. Let me know if that helps or if you have additional questions.