Saturday, July 6th, 2024 6:35 PM

Nightmare with customer service

This is a year long issue with XFinity and the serice I have recieved.
Back around July 28th of last year I scheduled delivery of my router for August 10th 2023. It arrived a few days later around July 30th 10 days before my move in date of my apartment. This cause me to be fined by the HOA for pakages being left on the porch and having packages arrive before move in.

I tryed contacting XFinity for help on this situation and I was told I would need someone present to sign for them picking up the router. I told them I was currently 8 hours away because I still had 10 days till move in. XFinity proceeded to hang up on me.

After much back and forth with customer service representatives that told me it was my fault I finally got to a higher up that told me I would recieve credit for the fines and my inconvinience of 6 hours on the phone and online chat services. This credit was never recieved. I contacted xfinity again where I was told that "a minimum of $200 credit is on its way" and that was never recieved.

I contacted again mid way through August. Told they would submit a claim and  "That will take upto 7 days to get the update." and never heard anything back.

I contacted again in November. Same thing, claim, wait, never hear anything back

I contacted again in January. Same exact run around.

I contacted again in April. Same exact run around. 

Contacted again in June. Same exact thing. But someone on the phone from billing did confirm again that she saw that a credit of $200 should be recieved. I was also told that the representitive would be able to push a $20 credit and the manager could do another $20 right now and I would recieve that $40 instantly and have to wait for the rest to come. Never did recieve that $40 

Contacted them again today. What do you know... Told that a claim form would be sent in and I could recieve it in 7 days. But as I learned that is a lie.

So after a year when will XFinity stop lying to me and do as they promised???

Thankfully I have multiple internet provider options at my apartment complex to pick from so here I come AT&T


After another hour on the phone I have been told that there was a credit that was promised by customer service and billing supervisors but another department that is in charge denied the request back in August. So for the past year I have been lied to countless time over and over again. So note to everyone dont trust anything said by an XFinity representitive.


Told I would recieve a call back from a supervisor to work this all out at 2:39PM EST. I was told I need to be available at any point they call back because I only get called once. Seems a little fair to hold me to not do anything for 40 minutes now.

***3:40PM still no call back after an hour. Was told I would get a call back almost instantly.

***6:18PM I have given up hope only been almost 4 hours now. Thanks Xfinity for making me wait around for a call back that never came.

4 Messages

3 months ago


I still have not recieved anything yet. Today after hours of work Nyl a supervisor in billing has garanteed me that a manager would call me back by 7pm est time today. He even told me if I do not get a call back by than I will be recieving the $200 credit garanteed by him and xfinity.

So if I do not recieve a call back or my $200 credit than xfinity will be liable for fraud.

4 Messages

@user_woxpie​ Update again:

Manager called back, he told me I was lying about the credit and that it isnt shown anywhere in my files. He told me there was no possible way that a representitive would offer me any credit for poor customer service. I asked to be transfered to someone that can actually help me and than he hung up on me.

Official Employee


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3 months ago

Hello user_woxpie

Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.

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• Click the "Direct Message" icon
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• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears.

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