Tuesday, July 16th, 2024 12:59 PM


Need to pay late

I need to pay my bill late this month due to having run into unexpected medical expenses recently. My bill was due yesterday, the 15th, but I can’t pay until the 25th. Is there anywhere where I can get this marked in my account? I don’t want to risk my service being shut off since my partner works from home and needs it. Thank you!

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

8 months ago

@ThatGothDude thanks for reaching out and letting us know about your late payment. Being under 30-days late you are not at risk of your service being shut off. 

1 Message

7 months ago

I need more time to pay bill until Aug 26

Official Employee


2.3K Messages

Hello, @user_g71qo2 Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? To send a direct message:

1. In the top right corner, you'll see a little chat icon near the bell icon. Click the direct message icon

2. Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

3. In the 'To' line, type "Xfinity Support" there. A drop-down list appears. Select "Xfinity Support" from that list (an "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line)

4. Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

5. Press Enter to send it. An official employee, such as myself or whoever is first available, will respond. Thanks!

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