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4 Messages
I'm about to go to small claims court over a renewal contract offer made by Comcast via Chat that was not honored by Comcast.
On 05/24/2024, I chatted with a Comcast Agent named "Paul." Following is an exact excerpt from my Chat with Paul:
Paul: Also I have checked by removing the Xfi complete and DVR but then also with the same speed internet and cable services and landline, it will cost you $292/month.
Paul: But as you are our loyal customer from so long so if you want I can customized the same current deal for you and it will cost you just $232/month.
Paul: If this sounds good for you so shall I explain?
Me: Does the $232 include taxes and fees?
Paul: Sure, let me explain.
Me: Sure
Paul: In this deal you will be getting same 1200mbps speed + unlimited internet, same 185+channels cable services + DVR, same landline and a brand new 5G mobile phone Moto G Play along with new number in which you will get 1gig sharable data, unlimited calls and unlimited texts at no extra cost.
Paul: After including all charges (internet + cable + landline + phone), taxes and fess, your final bill will be $232/month.
Paul: So your internet + cable + landline bill will be $206/month and your phone bill will be $26/month and your final bill will be $232/month.
Paul: Also as this deal comes with 24months promotion so your bill will be same $232 for next 24months.
Paul: And after 24months this phone will be yours so you do not need to return the phone. You can keep it with you.
Paul: So if this deal sounds good for you shall we proceed?
Me: And this is a 24-month contract?
Paul: Yes, you are correct. As this deal comes with 24months promotion so your bill will be same $232 for next 24months.
Me: That sounds very good. Let's proceed.
Paul: Perfect! I will be needing few details from you so I can lock this for you.
Paul: Your personalized secure data link: [Edited: "Personal Information"]
I signed the deal, but once completed, Comcast changed the "185+channels cable services + DVR" to what they call "CHOICE TV." I had no idea what "CHOICE TV" was until I tried to watch TV and virtually all the channels that I watch said they "require a subscription." I called Comcast but they would not honor the deal proposed by Paul and accepted by me on 05/24/2024 that my current services WOULD CONTINUE AS IS for $206/month plus an additional $26/month for Mobile services.
Accepted Solution
Official Employee
1.6K Messages
8 months ago
Hello user_JPG634
Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.
To send a Direct message:
Click "Sign In" if necessary
• Click the "Direct Message" icon
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears.
665 Messages
8 months ago
Also incorrect is "Paul" saying that his rate will stay at $232 for the next 24 months...We all know that is not true!
31.1K Messages
8 months ago
The rate for your package will stay the same during the contract. It's the equipment fees, surcharges, and taxes that will change driving your bill up.
@tbill when you make incomplete statements like you did you are giving out false information. If you're going to post make sure you give out correct information otherwise you may lose your posting privileges.