Saturday, September 7th, 2024 3:43 PM

Comcast monthly bill keeps changing

My monthly bill keeps changing all the time and I don’t really have the time to call you ever month to figure out this change, there was never a time when the bill was the same as what I signed up for, each month there is something different why does comcast do this to its customers ?



108.8K Messages

6 months ago

The concern is not "Channels And Programming" help related...... Topic moved here to the proper help section, and for greater exposure to Comcast corporate employees (The Digital Care Team) for assistance. 

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

6 months ago


user_m9fizo Thanks for posting on our Community forums to let us know about your situation. I understand where you're coming from and would feel equally frustrated if my bill kept changing. I'd be happy to check what's going on and what's causing the increase. Could you please send our team a Direct Message with your name and service address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.


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• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list that appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line

• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

• Press Enter to send it


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