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Charged an early termination fee even when moving to another address where there is no service?
In September 2020 I called Xfinity to inquire about upgrading my internet service from my current 25mbps with no contract. I was offered a 150mbps service to upgrade from my 25mbps for $50/month. The rep told me it was a contract. I replied that I could not get in a contract because I was moving in a couple of months from Florida to Georgia, and the new address is not serviceable. He specifically told me that since I was moving to an address that cannot be serviced by Xfinity, "there would be no early termination fee". I asked again and he confirmed again that there would be no early termination fee. With that assurance, I agreed to go forward with the new service agreement.
Two months later it is time for me to move and I go to my Xfinity account, try to transfer the service to the new address, and get a message saying there is no service there and I continue to cancel the service right there on the "service tranfer" website.
Now I get a bill including a $110 early termination fee that I was assured I would not get. I call Xfinity and chedule a call back from Billing. I explain the situation to the rep that called and I am told that it must have been a misunderstanding. I've been a happy customer with Xfinity for 8-9 years at least of uninterrupted service, and now I feel I've been blatantly lied to and taken advantage of by a Xfinity rep.
Was it a complete lie? Or should there be no early termination fee if the new address is not serviceable?
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4 years ago