4 Messages
Blast! Pro+ price changed without notice
I've been paying $100/mo for Blast! Pro+ for several months, and this last charge came through for $103. I realize $3 isn't a lot of money, but that's beside the point. The point is that the price we agreed to isn't the price I was charged, and that Xfinity has raised the price without notice. This has happened several times since we've unfortunately been stuck with the Xfinity monopoly in our area.
This needs to be resolved, and the random price changes need to stop.
Official Employee
2.2K Messages
3 years ago
Hello, @pocketdrummer, no matter the price change, they're never fun to see, so I get what you mean. Xfinity does a great job of providing billing notices any type of billing changes in advance, so I'm sorry this caught you off guard. It could be that your promotional period ended, or if you were on our everyday pricing without a promotion, that the rate just increased. Either way, I would love a chance to review your account with you. In order to get started can you please send a direct message to Xfinity Support with your full name and full address by clicking the chat icon in the top right?
4 Messages
3 years ago
A few things to note here:
The first indication that I'm going to be charged more money shouldn't be on the bill showing the money has already been charged to my account. If Xfinity can raise it $3, what's to stop you from raising it $30 without notice? This is why people are hesitant to use auto-pay with your service.
Official Employee
2.2K Messages
3 years ago
@pocketdrummer, notices for any billing updates would be included on your monthly statements before they take place. I'm in your corner and can definitely help shed some light on your recent price increase. I have all the tools to find out what's going on and can get you taken care of right here on our forums 😃. Can you please send a direct message using the directions I provided in my last message?
4 Messages
3 years ago
Well, I found it. A single bill in December with the notice on page 4 underneath ads for X1 and other nonessential data.
This is something that deserves its own email, not something you bury in a bill that most people don't read through unless there's a change in the charge. Also, it would have been nice to have a section on the bill where the price did change so customers have an idea of what's going on without having to go through previous bills to see if something was missed.
I'm not mad at you specifically and I apologize for my attitude, but Xfinity/Comcast continues to reinforce that they don't actually care about their customers because they don't have to. There's nothing else around here, so they know we'll pay whatever they ask because internet is as important as electricity now-a-days.
1 Message
3 years ago
I am trying to drop HBO MAX but in order to drop HBO MAX, Xfinity wants me to agree to their latest corrupt, greedy, evil scheme:
1 Message
3 years ago
"I understand and agree that my Xfinity services, regular rates, equipment charges, taxes, fees, and other charges are subject to change at any time, with or without notice, to the extent permitted by applicable law"
WTF??? All I did was begin the sign up procedure to get their "FREE" flex box and this was one of the boxes that they insist you check off. They can have the free flex box, I'll be on the lookout for another ISP