3 Messages
an agent to speak
I have my internet plan with $90.43 until Dec. And suddenly change it to $129.71. I would like to speak with an agent for my internet plan. But I met with all the AI answer and it's not work for me.
3 Messages
I have my internet plan with $90.43 until Dec. And suddenly change it to $129.71. I would like to speak with an agent for my internet plan. But I met with all the AI answer and it's not work for me.
Accepted Solution
108.3K Messages
27 days ago
Concern moved here to the Billing help section for greater exposure to Comcast corporate employees (The Digital Care Team) for assistance.
Accepted Solution
Official Employee
792 Messages
27 days ago
@NW3029 It can be frustrating when your bill changes unexpectedly and would seem like the service's promotion expired. You can view the term length of your promotion on your Xfinity monthly statement on the 3rd page where it breaks down the costs. Have you given a look through our plan finder? You'll want to be logged in with your Xfinity ID to be presented all of the promotions your account is eligible for.